
import java.util.*;
import hirondelle.web4j.model.Id;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.DAOException;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.DuplicateException;
import hirondelle.web4j.util.Util;
import hirondelle.web4j.database.Db;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

/** Data Access Object (DAO) for {@link Resto} objects. */
final class RestoDAO {
  /** Return a <tt>List</tt> of all {@link Resto} objects.  */
  List<Resto> list() throws DAOException {
    return Db.list(Resto.class, LIST_RESTOS);
  /** Return a single {@link Resto} identified by its id.  */
  Resto fetch(Id aRestoId) throws DAOException {
    return Db.fetch(Resto.class, FETCH_RESTO, aRestoId);
   Add a new {@link Resto} to the database.
   <P>The name of the restaurant must be unique. If there is a name conflict, then 
   a {@link DuplicateException} is thrown.
   @return the autogenerated database id.
  Id add(Resto aResto) throws DAOException, DuplicateException {
    Id result = Db.add(ADD_RESTO, baseParamsFrom(aResto));
    return result;
  /** Update an existing {@link Resto}.  */
  boolean change(Resto aResto) throws DAOException, DuplicateException {
    int result =  Db.edit(CHANGE_RESTO, Db.addIdTo(baseParamsFrom(aResto), aResto.getId()) );
    return Util.isSuccess(result);
   Delete a {@link Resto}.
   <P>If an item is linked to this {@link Resto}, then deletion will fail, and a 
   {@link DAOException} is thrown.
  void delete(Id aRestoId) throws DAOException {
    Db.delete(DELETE_RESTO, aRestoId);
  // PRIVATE //
  private Object[] baseParamsFrom(Resto aResto){
    return new Object[]{
      aResto.getName(), aResto.getLocation(), aResto.getPrice(), aResto.getComment()